- 09. February 2024
Craftmanship and Production
Our metal construction workshop is about to open
After a demanding planning and financing phase of more than 18 months, we once again had reason to be happy on campus at the end of January. Because the two 40-foot containers finally arrived with the components of the metal construction workshop, which we purchased from M4 Metallbau AG in Mettmenstetten/Switzerland at a special price. The founders of the metal construction company, Jürg and Corinna Müller, are supporting us in setting up and later running the workshop. They will stay with us for at least a year and have already started instructing the first Cambodian trainees about materials and tools.

The metal construction workshop building was built right next to the carpentry shop. We are happy and proud to be able to offer this craft on campus in the future. At this point, our thanks go, in addition to the Müllers, to the Jansen PrimeSteps Foundation, Erich Leutwyler and numerous other companies and individuals who have supported us with donations.
The arrival of the containers in the film.