School And Kindergarten


Once again, the students at our Education Campus rehearsed a Christmas song as a way to convey their thank you to you. The rehearsals and recordings of the well-known Christmas song “Merry Christmas Everyone” by Shakin’ Stevens were a welcomed-change for the children from their everyday life impacted by the pandemic, school cancellations and often hunger.

In the current school year, around 400 preschoolers and primary school students from families in the surrounding area are attending our Education Campus. They belong to the poorest of the poor; they come from migrant, peasant, day-labour or textile worker families and often have to live from hand to mouth, especially in these difficult times. It is nice to see how great these children have developed despite the hardships and the talents that lie dormant in them.

The music and video brought smiles to the children’s faces, smiles that were far too rare in the current situation in Cambodia.

We hope that the song will also bring you lots of joy and perhaps even a smile on your face. In this spirit, on behalf of Smiling Gecko and the students at our Education Campus, we would like to sincerely thank all our sponsors and supporters, and wish you a meaningful Christmas and a healthy and happy new 2022.

Smiling Gecko Campus


Dear friends of Smiling Gecko

The second Corona year is coming to an end and hereby, we would like to give you a short review of the past year with us in Cambodia. Unfortunately, the situation in Cambodia has not improved. Quite the opposite – last year in 2020, there were only a few officially confirmed Corona cases while in 2021, there were 120’000 cases and 2’900 deaths by the end of November. And these are only the officially confirmed cases. The number of unreported cases is much higher, especially among the poor rural population.

And the longer the pandemic last, the worse are the catastrophic economic consequences for the poorest of the poor in the Cambodian population. The closure of textile factories, the lack of tourism and the closed schools have had dramatic consequences for the population and more and more people are suffering from hunger and urgently need support. The situation is especially critical in the surroundings of our project in the rural areas. Only a few of the farming families can survive on their own efforts. Help is urgently needed at all levels. We regularly support with food, medicine and also with financial contributions, so that the families can pay their microcredit interest.

We are very happy that Smiling Gecko is able to provide this vital help, also in 2021, thanks to your great support and solidarity. For this I would like to thank you on behalf of Smiling Gecko and the children and families in Cambodia.

Hannes Schmid
Founder of Smiling Gecko

Covid continues to spread and remains ubiquitous in 2021. At the beginning of the year, officially reported infection rates also increased due to the new mutations. Across the country, there were no effective measures against the spread of the virus. Vaccination with the Chinese vaccine progressed very slowly at the beginning. Large-scale testing of the population did not take place. In the meantime, almost 80% of the population has been officially vaccinated. Nevertheless, many people still fall seriously ill and it is not known how many are actually affected.

«The people are defenceless against the virus and are fighting for their survival. A lot can be achieved with little resources.»

Alain Biner, CEO Smiling Gecko Switzerland

The restrictions were constantly changing and so it was difficult to make decisions. For example, one did not know how, where to meet and with how many people. In the markets, which were actually closed, thousands and thousands of people bought much needed food without distancing and masks. The government closed entire provinces from one minute to the next.

In August, textile factories reopened. Many thousands of workers were transported on overcrowded trucks and then worked for hours huddled together in cramped spaces. When asked why the factories reopened but the schools remained closed, the Ministry of Education responded that the schools were not an economic priority, but the factories were. As a result, the number of infected people increased dramatically, and Smiling Gecko had also seen an increase in Corona cases in recent months.

«People fear existential hardship more than disease. And the risk of starvation is also much greater than dying from an infection with Corona.»

Sokleap Ngon, Managing Director Smiling Gecko Cambodia
We take our suspected cases to the Japan Heart Hospital. At times, however, this is unfortunately not possible because the doctors can no longer admit anyone. At the hospital, only rapid tests are done because there are no PCR tests available. If the result is positive, the patients are registered and asked to isolate themselves at home. But people usually live together in close quarters and quarantine obviously cannot work when eight to twelve people live in one hut. It is a humanitarian disaster. Because there is no room for all the patients, even those who are seriously ill are sometimes sent home again.
Worse than the illness, however, is the fact that many people have been without a job and without income for almost two years. There is no social security. Without reserves, it was a matter of survival from the beginning and the situation has been worsening for several months. A current phenomenon is that many parents leave their children behind in the countryside and to fend for themselves, because they try to earn money with other work somewhere in Cambodia. The children left behind are on their own and have nothing. Whole groups of children go into the jungle to look for edible food like ant eggs, lizards, insects or wild fruits and leaves. However, because there are so many children, it becomes increasingly difficult to find anything edible. Therefore, in addition to feeding the families, we focus especially on these children between the ages of two and nine, for whom the damage of malnutrition would remain noticeable for the rest of their lives.
Thus, Smiling Gecko has been providing emergency humanitarian aid since the beginning of the Corona crisis, and by the end of 2021, we will have assisted approximately 1,000 families with more than 7,000 food packages, as well as protective materials, disinfectants and soap, and medical care. For this, we have spent a total of about 600’000.- USD.
Unfortunately, there is no improvement of the situation in sight, so we continue to support the needy people in distress with food, hygienic and medical care until they are able to support themselves again. The distribution of rice, soybean sprouts and soy milk as well as all available products from our own agriculture, such as vegetables, fish and meat is done in different ways. In large groups of up to 400 people at a central location, in smaller groups or individually from house to house, depending on the approval of the authorities and the requirements for Covid-19 prevention and safety.

SGC HISF I Education Campus

At our school, too, we are once again looking back on a difficult school year. With only a few short interruptions, the school remain closed for almost the entire year. Thanks to the great and dedicated school team on campus, the students could still be provided with food and learning materials. But of course all this did not replace the normal school day with lessons, friends, school meals and regular hygienic and medical care for the children. Therefore, we are all the more pleased that we are able to welcome the children back to normal school lessons in our school on 1st November after more than one and a half years in the only briefly interrupted lockdown. In the current school year 2021/2022, about 400 children, including 100 new students, are attending school.

«We bear responsibility for the children in our school as well as for the many employees and trainees in our projects and the many poor families around us who lack everything.»

Hannes Schmid, Founder and board member of Smiling Gecko
In order to provide Cambodian children with a musical education, we joined forces with Seven, Viola Tami, Dani Felber and Musik Hug and spent four months collecting used, playable musical instruments for our school in Cambodia. The campaign was very well received and more than 400 instruments are now on their way to Cambodia by ship in a specially designed container and will bring great joy to many children in their second life.

Smiling Gecko Cambodia Medical and Dental Clinic

Our clinic within the medical building on the school grounds is managed by a local doctor since this year. The Smiling Gecko Medical and Dental Clinic is equipped with medical and dental treatment rooms as well as basic pharmacy equipment. Patients are cared for by a permanent Cambodian graduate nurse and a volunteer Swiss graduate nurse. The clinic has a wide range of tasks with the provision of first aid in case of accidents and illnesses as its main task. In addition, the clinic provides bi-annual check-ups, vaccinations, and annual hearing and vision tests, and our nurses make home visits when needed and accompany patients to more distant hospitals in case of emergencies.
Women in Aquaculture
In our new project “Women in Aquaculture”, we were able to build irrigation ponds in 2021 with the support of the ZHAW and the Louis Dreyfus Foundation at ten farm families, which also serve for fish farming (aquaculture). The ponds were stocked with fish and the women were regularly trained in fish farming. Already during the first cycle, the food supply of the participating smallholder families could be secured in this way and additional family income could be generated by selling the surplus. For the future, it is planned to expand this project with additional families and the women involved so far will take on leadership and training tasks.
Although last year was again very difficult, almost all of the approximately 260 employees and trainees remained with Smiling Gecko. Even though the turnover of the individual companies decreased due to the pandemic and lockdowns, Smiling Gecko was able to continue paying full wages and benefits to all of them so that they could feed themselves and their families. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all employees, managers and the many volunteers who supported us on the ground during the difficult last year for their great commitment and tireless efforts.

Smiling Gecko continues to follow a philosophy of profitability and sustainability. We firmly believe that in the long run, only education and sustainable employment of the population will lead to overcoming hunger and poverty.

But for now, the priority is to provide for the rural population in need. Our first priority now is to ensure people’s survival and maintain their livelihoods so they don’t move to the cities and end up in the slums and garbage dumps. Humanitarian aid means enormous organizational and financial efforts for us, which we will continue as long as necessary.

We have experienced a broad wave of solidarity and support since the beginning of the pandemic. Your commitment and your donations have helped us significantly to survive this difficult year and to prevent the worst for the many farming families. We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we hope that you will continue to support us in overcoming this severe crisis and its consequences in Cambodia.

Best regards and take good care of yourselves.

Your Smiling Gecko Team

School and Kindergarten

SGC HISF | EDUCATION CAMPUS finally open again

The Covid pandemic and its effects have now lasted much longer than anyone had hoped for at the beginning of the crisis, and the situation in Cambodia has continued to deteriorate in 2021. At our school, it’s been a difficult year as well. With only a few brief interruptions, schools nationwide had to remain closed for most of the year, as required by the government.
Thanks to our great and dedicated school team on campus, the students were provided with food and learning materials at all times. All faculty were on site teaching both whole classes and individual students online. The Online & Distance Support Program continued in an enhanced and expanded format that included learning progress reviews and regular feedback from all stakeholders.

Kids who are hungry can’t learn.»

Barbara Beaufait, Director, SGC HISF | Education Campus
But all this, of course, did not replace the normal school day with lessons, friends, school meals and regular hygienic as well as medical care for the children. Therefore, we are even more pleased that we were able to welcome the children back to normal school lessons in our school on 1st November.
Due to the delays and restrictions caused by the pandemic, the school year 2020/2021 took place with the same children as in the previous year. In the spring of 2021, the selection of subsequent children for preschool and kindergarten could take place. After the admission of 100 new students, the current school year has a total of more than 400 children benefitting from a good education, but also from regular nutritious meals and hygienic and medical care. In the 2021/2022 school year, we have 18 classes in the Education Campus from nursery to 5th grade.

«Education is our passport to a brighter future, because tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.»

Barbara Beaufait, Director, SGC HISF | Education Campus
Despite all the difficulties caused by the pandemic and the extended lockdown periods, we are very proud of the great progress our children have made even in the last year. They are bright and inquisitive without exception. In addition, they are unique and each in their own way creative, fun and smart. And last but not least, they are respectful and very grateful – they are the hope of Cambodia and the chance for a better future.

«We invest significantly in qualified teaching through local and foreign staff, as well as quality meals and medical care.»

Barbara Beaufait, Director, SGC HISF | Education Campus

Humanitarian Emergency Aid


The situation has not improved; quite the contrary. In order to alleviate the acute situation, Smiling Gecko has been providing emergency humanitarian aid since the beginning of the Corona crisis in March 2020, supporting more than 400 families with over 2,400 family members in the area. Our emergency team regularly distributes packages of food and medical supplies to those in need. In addition to rice and dry food, the packages also contain all available products from our own agricultural farms, such as vegetables, pork, chicken, beef and fish.
A current phenomenon is that many parents are leaving their children behind in the countryside to fend for themselves while they try to earn some money doing unskilled labor somewhere in Cambodia. These children have nothing. They walk for hours to the almost dried up lakes to fish. But there is almost no fish left and after a whole day’s search, there is usually only a handful of small fish for cooking. Whole groups of children go into the jungle to look for edible stuff like ant eggs, lizards, insects or wild fruits and leaves. Because there are so many children, it becomes increasingly difficult to find anything edible. Therefore, in addition to feeding the families, we focus especially on these children between the ages of 2 and 9, for whom the damages caused by malnutrition would remain noticeable for the rest of their lives.
Humanitarian Emergency Aid


A particularly dramatic consequence of the pandemic, especially in rural areas – due to job loss, many families are deprived of their only source of income and without financial reserves, adults have to travel far in search of work.
Viele Kinder sind auf sich allein gestellt, weil ihre Eltern durch das Land reisen, um irgendwo ein wenig Geld zu verdienen. Die Eltern sind oft Monate lang weg und haben nicht die Möglichkeit, sich um ihre Kinder zu kümmern. Diese Kinder sind dann gezwungen, mehrmals täglich auf die Suche nach Essen zu gehen. Smiling Gecko unterstützt die Kinder mit Reis, Fleisch, Gemüse und medizinischer Versorgung. Wir kümmern uns um sie und helfen ihnen, diese schwere Zeit gut zu überstehen. Danke, dass Sie uns dabei unterstützen!


In addition to the consequences of the pandemic, the drought causes additional problems for people. The climate has changed dramatically over recent years. Long periods of drought are followed by short periods of rain. In addition to reduced harvests, people are often unable to find clean drinking water for their daily needs.
Smiling Gecko supplies hundreds of families with clean drinking water during the dry season.
Humanitarian Emergency Aid


Even without the consequences of the pandemic, many Cambodian families are already suffering from poverty.

Especially in the countryside around the Smiling Gecko area, many families suffer from existential hardship, food shortages and hunger. They are regularly supported by Smiling Gecko with food packages and medical care.

The poverty of the people makes us realize how important good education and sustainable economic income opportunities are for the development of a society. Therefore, in addition to humanitarian aid, we place particular focus on the continuation and expansion of the holistic and sustainable Smiling Gecko cluster projects, even in times of crisis.

Humanitarian Emergency Aid


As a result of health issues and the travel restrictions caused by the pandemic, Hannes Schmid was not able to travel to and stay in Cambodia for a long time after his last trip. Despite his compromised medical condition and age as well as the poor medical care facilities close to the SGC site, he has been back at the project site in Cambodia since mid-May to directly provide support to the local team.

The consequences of the pandemic are felt dramatically in Cambodia, especially in the rural areas. For many people the loss of their job means the loss of the only source of income for the whole family. In most cases, there are no financial reserves and no provision or support from social security services or the state. Thus, in many cases, the consequence of the lockdown of almost of tourism facilities and textile factories is synonymous with existential hardship, food shortages and hunger.

Many families in the area of the SGC project therefore have to be supported by Smiling Gecko with much needed food and medical care in order to survive. In order to deliver this humanitarian aid, we rely on your donations and support and we thank you for your great solidarity and support since the Covid-19 virus outbreak.

Hannes Schmid, over the whole course of his stay on the project site, will inform in irregular intervals via short video blogs about the latest situation and current developments. These video blogs will be posted on our social media channels and website.

Humanitarian Emergency Aid


The consequences of the global pandemic are often felt even more dramatically in the poorest countries of the world than in Europe. For the people, the loss of a job often means the loss of the only source of income for an entire family. There are no financial reserves nor provision or support from social welfare or the state.

Thus, in many cases, the consequences of the lockdown in tourism and textile factories are synonymous with existential hardship, food shortages and hunger. Families in the area are scrambling for food and thus need to be supported by Smiling Gecko with food packages in order to survive.

The pandemic has once again shown us how important good education and sustainable economic income opportunities are for the development of a society. Above all, it has shown us the terrible impact such crises have, especially in the poorest countries of the world. For Smiling Gecko, the focus of our efforts is not only the humanitarian aid to support the families and children affected by the acute need, but also the continuation and expansion of the holistic and sustainable cluster projects.

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